Investigate 2020-02-14T15:17:47+09:00

We look about your product

We will receive an email about your request and then we directly start gathering information to make your order possible.
First we will identify your item(s) and check their availability in Japan.
We will try to find the best place to buy it based on price and quality service.
When it is possible we will try to find a shop where we can buy it directly to avoid you additional domestic shipping fees.
We will check and make sure it is not prohibited product and that it can be ship in your country.

We create product page

If the product can be purchase and ship by us without problem, we will create product page in our Shop
including everything parameters as you ordered (quantity size…)
All the shipping, fees and options will be included so you only have to make one payment.

International Shipping fees depends on total package weight but we can’t know exactly this information by advance.
So we try to estimate it as closer as possible when we create the order.

We contact you

We will send you an email with all details about your items and your order.
We may give you some advices and informations about item sizes too.

If the order can be done, we will send you an order form and the product page link so you can purchase it directly and simply.

Any trouble or any question ?
Contact us